Thursday, December 14, 2006


a tired rant

Sorry folks. I was going to blog tonight while I did laundry but I'm too tired. I had to be at work this morning at 7am to learn how to do month end. Sure I was able to leave at 3 but I was up at 5:50 am. This is not fun for someone who goes to work for 9. It was dark out as I drove to work. So dark that the Christmas lights were still on downtown. It was nice to see them but it was still dark. Oh the other good thing about going early was the line in the drive thru at Tims. There was no line. I didn't even have enough time to get out my change for the large coffee I bought to get me to 9:00 - the time I usually start work. Sorry for the rant. That is what I do when I'm tired. Anyway I should take my laundry out of the dryer and go back upstairs before I start ranting again.
As for my random thought: Did you know that the spell checker does not recognize the work blog?

I always thought that was strange too! The blog thing I mean...
Going to work in the dark, I can relate... In Slave Lake it was dark from like 9:30 - 4:00 in the winter. It didn't start to get really light out until 10am and started going dusk at around 3:30 sometime earier if it was cloudy. Ah!
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