Monday, December 04, 2006



Finally, a new posting. This is getting really hard to do without easy access to a computer. So if anyone out there wants to give me a computer with free internet access just let me know!!
I really don't know what to write about. Someone asked me the other day what was new and the only thing I could tell them was that I had bought a Christmas tree stand. Right now it is in my living room and it makes a "great" decoration (Along with the dead plant on top of the fridge). I'm not sure when I will get a tree though. At home we never got our tree until the week before Christmas, but I am so excited about the stand that I might have to get a tree a little earlier. This weekend I was in Halifax and stayed with friends who had their Christmas tree up and it smelled so good. That's the main reason why I did not buy an artificial tree. Who cares if I have no room left or can't see the TV. At least it will smell good (Not that my apartment smells bad or anything)!!
On a totally different topic, have you ever watched the channel some apartments have that show the front door? Some people think it is intrusive, but I love it. You can't help but laugh at the poor person trying to find the number, wait for someone to answer and then try to open the door. I know this might sound cruel to some of my more sensitive readers, but the next time you have the opportunity to watch you might find yourself laughing as well. And we can all use a good laugh now and again.
So go ahead laugh at me for having a dead plant in the kitchen. Laugh at the person trying to get in the apartment building. But laugh at yourself too. You are pretty funny!!

I do enjoy those channels. Whenever i see one of those cameras in an entry way I always wave or make a face or something.
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