Saturday, October 28, 2006

I am about to scream. I just finished writing a blog and the computer froze and I lost it (the blog I mean not my mind.) It was all about my laundry, a new phone and unpacked boxes. I told how it was only 11:30 on a Saturday morning and I had already had a visit from the phone company, made breakfast and had done 2 loads of laundry.
I also mentioned my 5 new friends at the telephone company, no dial tone, a lawyers voice mail and two telephone lines - each with a distinct ring. I'd give more details but I have to go take my laundry upstairs, wash dishes, sweep, and re-arrange furniture. The May family was just here and dropped off some furniture. Thank you to the May-Jones family. I really appreciate it. Don't you love it when people give you things? So if you have the need to give someone a present just think of me. I will accept it - as long as it is nice.
Now for a completely random thought "God works in mysterious ways". I'm going to go now before the computer freezes again and I loose another posting.

I thought I lost this post as well so I'm really glad to see it. If it wasn't here I was going to quit blogging.
hahaha, I hate that, sometimes if I am using a computer that sucks I type my post in word then copy and paste it. You can't lose it that way... well you can but it is harder.
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