Sunday, September 17, 2006


Cranky Laura

One thing I have yet to do on by blog is vent. That is until today. So here it goes. I hate when you are talking to someone and another person comes up and starts talking to the person you were talking to. They begin a totally new conversation, ignore you and put an end to your discussion. You end up walking away never getting to finish talking. Now I don't mind people JOINING a conversation but not taking over and changing the topic. You might be wondering "Laura, what brought this on? You are usually not so cranky." (Little do you know) This has happened to me twice in the past week and both times it really irritated me. I'm kind of tired and when I get tired I get cranky. I decided I needed to share this with the world and maybe cause someone to think twice before interupting a conversation, unless it is a medical emergency and I am talking to a doctor, or the building is on fire and I am talking to a firefighter or a horse just broke its leg and I am talking to a vet or ... you get the point.
Thanks for listening(I guess you are reading this so thanks for reading) and later this week I will keep my promise of offering cell phone battery safety tips.

can't wait until those cell phone tips come! Here is a tip for you: carry a bullhorn and when people interupt you just continue your conversation through the bullhorn.
Thanks for the tip but I don't think so. Keep those comments comming though. I love to hear from my readership. If you have any questions for me just ask and I will offer advice.
That is annoying. My advice would be to shove the person in the dirt and then continue your convo as though nothing had ever happened.
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