Wednesday, August 16, 2006


bikes and baking

The other day I made a trip to Canadian Tire and bought a new bike helmet. Those of you that read "My Life in Rubber Boots" will be familiar with my old bike helmet. I think it was a little small as it just didn't feel (or look) right. If I fell off my bike I don't think the helmet would have done much for me. For your viewing pleasure I will post a picture of my purchase later today. I was planning on going biking today but it is pouring rain and there is also thunder and exciting as that would be I think I will postpone the trip.
Valerie went back to camp this week , so once again I am an only child. That can be a good thing but it does have its moments! I will refrain from giving examples to protect the innocent.
Tina and Hayley Sansom came over to the house last Thursday. It was really great to see them. Hayley has really grown since last year and I think Tina and Trevor have a lot of fun with her. They are on their way back to Lincoln for another year which I hope goes well for them. Watch out we might come visit!
As for the baking I mentioned in my title, try it out. It can be fun. If I knew how I would include a web site to check out (as I promised in my first post) but I don't so I won't.
Have a great day reader and we'll converse soon.

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