Friday, April 13, 2007



I'm behind in my blogging so I decided to post twice and share what happened in my life today - Friday April 13. I saw a $1,000,000 cow (yes one million dollar), a $52,500 calf and a lot of dairy farmers. It was fun. It is amazing what you can learn at The Canadian Holstein Convention. I also ate cheesecake at 11:00 in the morning and went out for lunch at Linda's. (The picture of the million dollar cow is from The Guardian if you need to know the cow's name or who the guy with the cow is.)


First Person Singular

Thank you faithful readers for your assistance in finding a pair of night vision goggles. I now have a pair and have great plans for them. So if you are out there don't worry, I'm on my way.
Now for a new request. I have decided that I need to get a part time job. I'm open for suggestions and/or offers. Keep in mind that it needs to pay well as I'm only in it for the cash. The money I make will go towards long drives in the countryside and coffee. If I make enough I might even buy a moose head and donate it to an elementary school (I'm sure the children would enjoy that!!). I have confidence in you reader(s) that you will come through for me once again.
Until next time,

Monday, March 12, 2007



Who came up with the idea of daylight savings time? Actually I don't need his/her name all I really want to know is why we went along with their brilliant idea. Please provide me with an answer, but don't tell me it is because of the farmers. Maybe that was the original plan but that answer will not work now. (I have nothing against farmers. Really they are great.Without them we wouldn't have food to eat but that is a story for another day). Thanks.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

After a brief sabbatical, I have returned to blogging. I will offer no apologies or excuses for my absence for we have all heard enough of those. Anything from I was too busy, to my computer exploded.
I contemplated writing about the cold weather, the laundry and staples, but in the end I have decided to write about the return of summer, heart month and night vision goggles.
Last week I was at the grocery store and saw a lovely display of barbeques. I have been told that at a local department store (to remain unnamed) patio furniture has made its return. Doesn’t that excite you?? Summer is so close that I almost wore my shorts today.
This is heart month. So take care of it. How? Don’t eat a lot of chips. (Not to say you can never eat chips. Just don’t eat them all the time. Try pretzels instead. The non-salted kind.) Another way is to eat walnuts. I looked up the Heart and Stroke Foundation and found this: . I don’t really like walnuts but if you do try the walnut granola. It could be tasty.
As for the night vision goggles, do you know where I could get a pair? There is something I need to find. Preferably before I turn 40. Thanks.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


a tired rant

Sorry folks. I was going to blog tonight while I did laundry but I'm too tired. I had to be at work this morning at 7am to learn how to do month end. Sure I was able to leave at 3 but I was up at 5:50 am. This is not fun for someone who goes to work for 9. It was dark out as I drove to work. So dark that the Christmas lights were still on downtown. It was nice to see them but it was still dark. Oh the other good thing about going early was the line in the drive thru at Tims. There was no line. I didn't even have enough time to get out my change for the large coffee I bought to get me to 9:00 - the time I usually start work. Sorry for the rant. That is what I do when I'm tired. Anyway I should take my laundry out of the dryer and go back upstairs before I start ranting again.
As for my random thought: Did you know that the spell checker does not recognize the work blog?

Monday, December 04, 2006



Finally, a new posting. This is getting really hard to do without easy access to a computer. So if anyone out there wants to give me a computer with free internet access just let me know!!
I really don't know what to write about. Someone asked me the other day what was new and the only thing I could tell them was that I had bought a Christmas tree stand. Right now it is in my living room and it makes a "great" decoration (Along with the dead plant on top of the fridge). I'm not sure when I will get a tree though. At home we never got our tree until the week before Christmas, but I am so excited about the stand that I might have to get a tree a little earlier. This weekend I was in Halifax and stayed with friends who had their Christmas tree up and it smelled so good. That's the main reason why I did not buy an artificial tree. Who cares if I have no room left or can't see the TV. At least it will smell good (Not that my apartment smells bad or anything)!!
On a totally different topic, have you ever watched the channel some apartments have that show the front door? Some people think it is intrusive, but I love it. You can't help but laugh at the poor person trying to find the number, wait for someone to answer and then try to open the door. I know this might sound cruel to some of my more sensitive readers, but the next time you have the opportunity to watch you might find yourself laughing as well. And we can all use a good laugh now and again.
So go ahead laugh at me for having a dead plant in the kitchen. Laugh at the person trying to get in the apartment building. But laugh at yourself too. You are pretty funny!!

Monday, November 13, 2006


Mental Safety

If you are a faithful reader of my blog you know that I often post safety tips. Today is no different but with a different focus - your mental safety. This past weekend I went to the movies with friends to see Borat. We ended up leaving before the movie ended. It was disgusting and mentally disturbing. So if anyone (and I don't care who they are) asks you to go with them to see it just say no and run as fast as you can in the other direction. Your mind will thank you and so will your wallet. Maybe you could suggest an alternative . . . such as watching paint dry or removing wallpaper or cutting the grass with nail clippers or even coming to my house and scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush. I think you get the point. If you are left with that $9.90 (or $7.7o) burning a hole in your pocket give it to me and I will buy a new cake pan. Just think of it as a thank you for saving your brain.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I am about to scream. I just finished writing a blog and the computer froze and I lost it (the blog I mean not my mind.) It was all about my laundry, a new phone and unpacked boxes. I told how it was only 11:30 on a Saturday morning and I had already had a visit from the phone company, made breakfast and had done 2 loads of laundry.
I also mentioned my 5 new friends at the telephone company, no dial tone, a lawyers voice mail and two telephone lines - each with a distinct ring. I'd give more details but I have to go take my laundry upstairs, wash dishes, sweep, and re-arrange furniture. The May family was just here and dropped off some furniture. Thank you to the May-Jones family. I really appreciate it. Don't you love it when people give you things? So if you have the need to give someone a present just think of me. I will accept it - as long as it is nice.
Now for a completely random thought "God works in mysterious ways". I'm going to go now before the computer freezes again and I loose another posting.

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