Friday, April 13, 2007



I'm behind in my blogging so I decided to post twice and share what happened in my life today - Friday April 13. I saw a $1,000,000 cow (yes one million dollar), a $52,500 calf and a lot of dairy farmers. It was fun. It is amazing what you can learn at The Canadian Holstein Convention. I also ate cheesecake at 11:00 in the morning and went out for lunch at Linda's. (The picture of the million dollar cow is from The Guardian if you need to know the cow's name or who the guy with the cow is.)


First Person Singular

Thank you faithful readers for your assistance in finding a pair of night vision goggles. I now have a pair and have great plans for them. So if you are out there don't worry, I'm on my way.
Now for a new request. I have decided that I need to get a part time job. I'm open for suggestions and/or offers. Keep in mind that it needs to pay well as I'm only in it for the cash. The money I make will go towards long drives in the countryside and coffee. If I make enough I might even buy a moose head and donate it to an elementary school (I'm sure the children would enjoy that!!). I have confidence in you reader(s) that you will come through for me once again.
Until next time,

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