Saturday, October 28, 2006

I am about to scream. I just finished writing a blog and the computer froze and I lost it (the blog I mean not my mind.) It was all about my laundry, a new phone and unpacked boxes. I told how it was only 11:30 on a Saturday morning and I had already had a visit from the phone company, made breakfast and had done 2 loads of laundry.
I also mentioned my 5 new friends at the telephone company, no dial tone, a lawyers voice mail and two telephone lines - each with a distinct ring. I'd give more details but I have to go take my laundry upstairs, wash dishes, sweep, and re-arrange furniture. The May family was just here and dropped off some furniture. Thank you to the May-Jones family. I really appreciate it. Don't you love it when people give you things? So if you have the need to give someone a present just think of me. I will accept it - as long as it is nice.
Now for a completely random thought "God works in mysterious ways". I'm going to go now before the computer freezes again and I loose another posting.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006



Sorry faithful readers for not updating my blog, but I wasn't allowed to take the computer with me in my move. I was allowed to take the dining room table and chairs but not the computer. Go figure!
I will try to write when I get the chance. I don't think they approve of blogging at work but we will figure out something.
Carry on...

Sunday, October 01, 2006


The Rumors Are Somewhat True

The rumors have been flying now for the past week so I thought I should set the record straight. No, I am not moving to the Yukon; Yes I know how to do laundry (and have done it); and No I am not the new K Rock $10,000 person or however that goes. Now that we have that out of the way, here is the truth. I am moving to the big city. I have packed my iron, dishpan and measuring spoons and am in the process of leaving home. (Can you hear the cheering in the background?) As this is the internet and can be read by millions (although I know all of my readers by first name and could count them on one hand) I will not give my exact address but I will give a hint: My apartment is on the second floor or third if you count the basement. So be nice to me and I might invite you over for a cookie and let you sit on my new couch. Pictures will follow. I have to go now my supper is ready.

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